Monday, January 16, 2006

The Ten Point Proposal

Dear Readers,

Here, by permission, are the proposals presented by Council Member Doug Barry two weeks ago.

- Gilbert

New Hampshire Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Proposals

1. Market the area to prospective developers--with an emphasis on affordable housing (synthesize and update master plan documents and studies of the area). Organize walking tour of the area. Working jointly with other local governments including Prince George’s County, Montgomery County, and the District of Columbia.

2. Proceed with creating a new business organization for the south end of the corridor to the District line. Success of CDA could be used as a model.

3. Streetscape improvements and lighting for Holton Lane. This would involve city funds and would be fast-tracked to coincide with what EZ storage has done. Original proposal involves mostly new lighting fixtures.

4. Continue work with the County to find an ownership solution for New Hampshire Towers, the largest apartment complex in the city. Emphasize tenant purchase options, affordable rentals, refurbishing condemned units, and improving living conditions throughout the structures.

5. Generate CDBG grant or other funds to help businesses on New Hampshire improve their storefronts.

6. Leverage transit improvements at the Crossroads which will include a transit center, relocating bus stops, signals, crosswalks, median fencing, additional left turn lanes, sidewalk improvements, etc.

7. Insist that the state resurface the accident-plagued section of NH between Holton and Sligo Creek and power up the pedestrian warning lights throughout the area.

8. Resuscitate the work of the International Corridor Task Force, which should be a permanent private/public sector partnership helping guide redevelopment in the area including Piney Branch.

9. Get a public art project with a multicultural theme going in the pocket park near Holton and University.

10. Accelerate installation of way finding signage at both ends of the corridor. Add U.S., MD, and Takoma Park flags at the crossroads, and rotate flags representing the different nationalities represented in the area.


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